[Alvin-users] Alvin unavailable from April 3rd 07:00 CEST

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Tue Mar 28 17:35:49 CEST 2017

Dear Alvin users,

On Monday morning (April 3rd 07:00 CEST) we will start the
installation of the real Alvin and Elvis hardware.

A compute node reservation will prevent any jobs on Alvin from
starting unless they can finish before 07:00 on Monday.

Our plan for April:

During the first week (starting April 3rd), NSC will be
moving/installing network equipment, reinstalling cluster servers and
move/connect compute nodes. Users will probably get limited access to
the system (login nodes + storage) sometime during the week.

During the second week (starting April 10th), NSC will perform testing
of the new clusters. Limited access to compute nodes for users will be
possible. If you need early access to compute nodes, contact Torbjörn
Lönnemark <ketl at nsc.liu.se> and we will try to make room for you in
our test schedule.

During the third week (starting April 17th), we aim to give MET users
full access to the system. If NSC needs to perform additional tests or
configuration changes, we will let you know.

However... "no plan survives first contact with reality". We will let
you know if and when this plan changes significantly. :)

If you have any questions regarding the Alvin/Elvis installation, feel
free to contact me. If you have questions regarding your account,
installed software etc, please see https://www.nsc.liu.se/support/

Mats Kronberg, Unit Manager Cluster Operations
NSC, National Supercomputer Centre

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