[Bi-users] Out of space on /nobackup/fouo6

Peter Bortas zino at nsc.liu.se
Sun Dec 18 11:10:41 CET 2016

Dear Bi / fuou6 users,

/nobackup/fouo6 is currently full and will return an error on any
attempts to write to it. There is still space available for data, but
it has reached it's limit for the number of files that can be written
to it*.

Due to some technical changes is the latest disk delivery the limit
was reached earlier than was expected. We will examine if the limit
can be upped, but it would require downtime and careful planning, so
this is unlikely to happen before Christmas/New Years.

In the mean time: If you know you have temporary files laying around,
please delete them. If you have directories with many small files,
please archive them with tar or similar.

* This can be checked with "df -i /nobackup/fouo6"

Peter Bortas, NSC

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