[Bi-users] Retiring old filesystems at the end of February

Peter Bortas zino at nsc.liu.se
Mon Jan 30 17:18:05 CET 2017

Dear Bi users,

As you might recall some of the Accumulus filesystems where supposed
to be turned off on Jan 1, but this was delayed when we discovered the
problem with the number of files that could be written on the latest
generation of file servers.

That problem was resolved last week, so as was announced before
Christmas the oldest of the Accumulus filesystem servers will be
retired at the end of February (Feb 28). So any data you have on the
following filesystems that you want to keep will have to be copied
before 2017-03-01 or be permanently lost:


If you need help with instructions on how to copy files feel free to
contact NSC <smhi-support at nsc.liu.se>.

Peter Bortas, NSC
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