[Bi-users] Permanent shutdown of some Bi nodes

Peter Bortas zino at nsc.liu.se
Mon Nov 6 13:18:22 CET 2023

Dear Bi users,

As we have informed earlier the next SMHI FoU cluster "Freja" will start 
it's installation this week and since it will be located in the same 
physical location Bi currently occupies we will remove parts of Bi to 
make space. In practice this means that nodes 1-144 will be removed from 
the cluster this week. The remaining nodes will be run in parallel with 
Freja during the rest of the year and most of Q1 to allow for a gradual 
migration to the new cluster.

We will be back with more information about the migration when Freja is 
available for general use.



Peter Bortas, NSC

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