[Dunder-users] nscjobinfo: A small job status reporting tool

Lennart Karlsson Lennart.Karlsson at nsc.liu.se
Wed Apr 4 13:54:23 CEST 2007

Dear Dunder users,

Now and then, we at NSC get questions about job scheduling,
e.g. what limits there are or why does my job not start.

Perhaps some questions might be answered automatically,
by at program or script?

Now I have installed such a program, called


You may call it just like that, and get information about
all your jobs, or you may ask about certain jobs, adding
the job numbers as parameters to the script.

This program is somewhat experimental, so please send any
comments to

	smhi-support at nsc.liu.se

Best regards,
-- Lennart Karlsson <smhi-support at nsc.liu.se>
   National Supercomputer Centre, Linkoping University

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