[Dunder-users] Reboot of Dunder at 00:00 tonight!

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Sun Dec 21 21:11:50 CET 2008

Dear Dunder users,

Due to a process on the login node consuming all available memory,
consequently being killed by the operating system, Dunder will have to be
rebooted later on at 00:00. This is done as a preventive measure, since we
have previously observed erratic behaviour of nodes after this type of
incident unless they are rebooted.

You will be stopped from logging in to Dunder as of 23:45 today and the
node will be rebooted at 00:00. Until then, and after, you are of course
very welcome to use the resource.

Best Regards,

Johan Raber

Johan Raber, PhD
Systems expert -- distributed computing
National Supercomputer Center, Linköping University

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