[Dunder-users] Current disk usage on Dunder (or my very first Python script)

Tomas Wilhelmsson tomas.wilhelmsson at smhi.se
Mon Jan 14 19:46:47 CET 2008

Hi dunder-users,
CC Torgny F, Jocke L

Markus Meier wanted to get better statistics of the disk usage on 
Dunder. Taking this as an opportunity to finally learn some Python, I 
created ~sm_towil/disksummary.py which collects diskinfo files and sums 
them up in an easier to read way! (Please try it!)

The final summary is:

Disk usage in percent of total available space on disk

User        smhid1    smhid2    smhid3    smhid4    smhid5     total
sm_foup         42        59        45        46        24        40
sm_foul          8         2        26        18        29        18
sm_fouo         11         5        12        20        25        18
sm_bpom          1        11                   1         9         5
sm_foua                              0                   4         1
sm_ml            0         5                                       1

According to the FoU budget for 2008, disk are to be allocated as:

Rossby	18%	
FoUp	37%
FoUo	26%
FoUl	17%
FoUa	 2%

There are no Rossby users on the /nobackup/smhid*-disks, they only use 
/nobackup/rossby* disks. (Some rossby-diskspace is funded from the SMHI 
FoU-budget, and other through separate funding.)  Assuming that all 
smhid-disk should go to non-Rossby users and counting Bpom as FoUp and 
Ml as FoUl we get:

Group	Budget	Actual

FoUp	45	45
FoUo	32	18
FoUl	21	19
FoUa	 2	 1

My interpretation is that everybody is using close to their budgeted 
share execpt FoUo, meaning that all remaining free space should go to 
FoUo, and everybody else should free up some space.


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