[Dunder-users] The job submission queue on Dunder will close on 30/9

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Mon Aug 31 14:32:20 CEST 2009

Dear Dunder users,

This is just to remind you that the Dunder compute cluster is about to be
decommissioned this fall and the first order of business in this process
will be the shutting down of the batch queueing system on the last of
Septembre (30/9).

Following this, on the last of October, login access to Dunder will be
closed and for all intents and purposes the cluster is then out of
commission. Be sure to store elsewhere, the data you care about in Dunders
home directory before this date.

One last point, if you need compute resources on NSC and you only have
access to Dunder, it is now *high* time to apply for account on one of

Best regards,
NSC support

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