[Dunder-users] Dunder is available again.

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Fri Mar 6 09:53:38 CET 2009

Dear user,

The maintenance outage of Dunder is now over. You can freely submit your
jobs again.

The reboot was forced since a user process had consumed all available
memory and was therefore killed. Please bear in mind when you work on the
loginnode that excessive usage of that particular computer's resources can
affect others, so use it sensibly.

A very good solution is often to reserve a node for interactive use, where
you can do your calculations/compilation (whatever) without risking this
kind of situation. I will refer to the system guide for detailed
instructions on how to do this. You'll find it at

Best regards,
Johan Raber

Johan Raber, PhD
Systems expert -- distributed computing
National Supercomputer Center, Linköping University

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