[Dunder-users] Notice and schedule for Dunder's decommissioning this autumn.

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Mon May 25 10:39:24 CEST 2009

Dear Dunder users,

As some of you may have heard, the Dunder compute cluster is up for
decommissioning this autumn after ~5 years of service.

For you this means that apart from the loss of a computational resource,
there will be a removal of the fileserver containing Dunder's home
directory and consequently all your data specific to that filesystem will
be removed as well.

You will however have ample opportunity to move that data to SMHI's other
resources here at NSC and, needless to say, we will support you in this
should you require. Please make sure to apply in good time for accounts if
you need to on Gimle, Tornado or Vagn, so you have a backed up storage
space to move your essential stuff to.

The time schedule for Dunder's decommissioning is:

Access to nodes is closed. The batch queueing system will close but login
will still be permitted to allow migration/cleanup of personal files to
other resources.

The proverbial plug is pulled. Login will no longer be permitted and Dunder
is out of comission permanently.

Best regards,
NSC support

Johan Raber, PhD
Systems expert -- distributed computing
National Supercomputer Center, Linköping University

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