[Gimle-users] Gimle: Ange projekt till sbatch

Lennart Karlsson Lennart.Karlsson at nsc.liu.se
Mon Nov 3 17:27:23 CET 2008

Dear Gimle users!

Earlier all your jobs belonged to the same project, being
identical with your primary Unix group.

Now, some of you will be able to specify which project
your job will belong to, by adding a project name to your
submit command. E.g., if you belong to the Rossby projekt
and want your job to belong to that, you submit your
job with an additional "-U rossby", as in

        sbatch -U rossby jobscript


        interactive -U rossby

You may also write the project name within the job script,
as in the following example:

#SBATCH -U rossby

At start, only the following SMHI staff will need to
specify the project of their jobs:

(rossby or sm_fouo) Kari Eilola
(rossby or sm_fouo) Markus Meier
(rossby or sm_fouo) Per Pemberton
(sm_bpom, sm_foua, sm_foul, sm_fouo, or sm_foup) Tomas Wilhelsson

If you are in this list and does not specify the project
of your job, the job will be blocked, as can be seen with
any of the commands "showq" or "mdiag -b".

If you belong to one project only, you do not need to
make these project specifications.

Please get in touch with smhi-support at nsc.liu.se, if you
have any problems or have any questions.

Best regards,
-- Lennart Karlsson <smhi-support at nsc.liu.se>
   National Supercomputer Centre, Linkoping University

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