[Gimle-users] Gimle /home getting full

Kent Engström kent at nsc.liu.se
Fri Mar 4 09:16:16 CET 2011

Less than two weeks ago, I send an email about the Gimle /home
filesystem pushing the 80% full mark. Tonight, it has been pushing the
90% full mark. The safety margin we like to keep (so that sudden demands
for storage does not cause errors) is evaporating.

If you are included near the top of this list, please check if there are
files that could be deleted, compressed or moved to /nobackup
filesystems without causing you problems or risks.

The top-20 users are:

509475          sm_meier
476801          openfoam
240683          sm_andgr
219804          sm_abhay
212478          sm_marku
192811          pps
189759          sm_axell
129166          sm_kivar
110468          sm_paumi
78425           sm_mihca
62105           faxen
61482           sm_lfunk
58128           sm_aulle
53823           sm_torko
50711           sm_wyser
48022           sm_ppemb
43085           sm_arutg
37377           sm_towil
33884           sm_mlind
30384           sm_lide

Kent Engström, National Supercomputer Centre
kent at nsc.liu.se, +46 13 28 4444

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