[inspector-users] Inspector will be retired on November 1st - please read!

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Tue Sep 13 15:57:25 CEST 2011

Dear users of the NSC visualization server Inspector,

Inspector will soon be retired as both the hardware and the operating
system are old. It will not be replaced. As far as we know, all
applications currently installed on Inspector can instead be run on
Neolith, Kappa or Matter.

All user accounts on Inspector will be closed and the system shut down
on November 1st, 2011. If you find some reason why you cannot stop
using Inspector by then, you must contact support at nsc.liu.se as soon
as possible!

If you are no longer using Inspector and have no files stored there,
you can stop reading now.

If you have data stored on Inspector: move that data somewhere else as
soon as possible, e.g to Neolith, Kappa or Matter.

If you are using NSC-provided applications on Inspector (i.e those
installed in /usr): verify that they work as expected on Neolith,
Kappa or Matter, and start using them there as soon as possible.

If you are using Inspector to analyze data stored on Mozart: Please
contact support at nsc.liu.se to discuss your options. Note: Mozart will
also be retired in the near future.

If you are using your own applications on Inspector (i.e installed in
your home directory), please move those to Neolith, Kappa or Matter
and run them there. If you need help with this, contact
support at nsc.liu.se.

The applications listed below are all installed on Kappa, Neolith and
Matter. Since some of them have slightly different names than on
Inspector, I have noted how you should start them (e.g module add
p4vasp; p4v).

## GaussView ("GView")

We have recently purchased a more recent version of GaussView (5.0.9)
which will soon be installed on Neolith/Kappa/Matter.

## Molden ("molden")
module add molden

## P4vasp ("p4vasp")
module add p4vasp

Note: due to a bug p4vasp uses one full CPU core all the time when it
is running (even on Inspector). Please do not keep p4vasp running for
longer than usual (i.e shut it down when you are not using it).

## VMD ("vmd")
module add vmd

If you are using an application on Inspector that is not on this list,
and that you did not install yourself, please contact
support at nsc.liu.se and request that we install it on

If you have any questions regarding the retirement of Inspector,
please contact support at nsc.liu.se.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

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