[Krypton-users] Krypton compute node updates, short system server stop tomorrow

Kent Engström kent at nsc.liu.se
Wed Jul 18 15:18:36 CEST 2012

Dear Krypton Pilot Testers,

as I write this, the Krypton compute nodes are being rebooted to a new
node image. Idle nodes are already rebooted and the busy ones will be
rebooted as soon as they become idle. If you do an sbatch or interactive
command now, you get "new" nodes.

  Tech background: this time, we are upgrading from CentOS 6.3 with the
  built-in InfiniBand support (OFED) to CentOS 6.3 with the Mellanox
  InfiniBand support.

You do not have to do anything, but you might want to test things after
this upgrade, as we are still in a pilot testing phase.

We will reboot the system server tomorrow morning to update things there
too. You will not have to logout from the login node during this, but
access to /software and to SLURM commands may hang during the process.

Kent Engström, National Supercomputer Centre
kent at nsc.liu.se, +46 13 28 4444

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