[Krypton-users] Python 2.7.4-smhi-1

Kent Engström kent at nsc.liu.se
Thu Apr 11 14:46:29 CEST 2013

Dear Krypton Users,

[If you do not use Python, this email may not be of interest to you.]

We have prepared a new Python environment on Krypton. The main reasons
for this:

- Python 2.7.4 has been released.

- We need matplotlib >= 1.2 to fulfil a module request
  (2.7.3-smhi-1 has version 1.1.0)

- It's nice to have newer versions of other modules too.

- We need to make sure that the HDF5/NetCDF libraries we link against
  will work on the Nehalem nodes (which do not have AVX).

We have seen no obvious problems, but have not had time or knowledge of
all parts to do extensive testing.

You access the new environment using:

  module add python/2.7.4-smhi-1

As always, email smhi-support at nsc.liu.se if you run into problems.

Versions of included modules:

Python 2.7.4
numpy 1.7.1
scipy 0.11.0
ipython 0.13.2
matplotlib 1.2.1
Basemap 1.0.6 including geos 3.3.1
numexpr 1.4.2
Cython 0.18
pytables 2.4.0
setuptools 0.6c11
scikits.timeseries 0.91.3
netCDF4 1.0.4
virtualenv 1.7.2
pygrib 1.9.6
seawater 2.0.1
h5py 2.1.2
Bottleneck 0.6.0
PyGObject 2.20.0
PyCairo 1.8.6
PyGTK 2.16
jdcal 1.0
python-dateutil 1.5
pytz 2013b
pandas 0.10.1
statsmodels 0.4.3
winpdb 1.4.8
pyinotify 0.9.4
PyNio 1.4.1 and PyNGL 1.4.0
nose 1.3.0
pyke 1.1.1
pyshp 1.1.4
Cartopy 0.7.0
shapely 1.2.14
Iris 1.3.0
Pillow 2.0.0

Kent Engström, National Supercomputer Centre
kent at nsc.liu.se, +46 13 28 4444

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