[Krypton-users] Krypton and Gimle downtime Thursday Feb 14, 10-12 CET

Kent Engström kent at nsc.liu.se
Thu Feb 7 16:39:17 CET 2013

Dear Krypton and Gimle Users,

we need some downtime on Krypton and Gimle next week, for OS upgrades on
Gimle and to prepare the Accumulus switch for the coming addition of
more storage. This also involves some recabling for the Gimle nodes.

After consulting with our users representatives, we have chosen
Thursday February 14, 10-12 CET for the downtime window.

  FOR KRYPTON, be prepared for Accumulus file system accesses to hang
      for some time during this window while we work on the switch.

  FOR GIMLE, be prepared for the login server and the nodes being
      unavailable during the whole downtime.  Jobs will not run during
      this downtime.  If you submit jobs now with a requested walltime
      exceeding the time remaining until Feb 14 at 10:00, they will not
      start before the downtime.

Vagn will also be affected. Mats Kronberg will email all Vagn users
about this.

Kent Engström, National Supercomputer Centre
kent at nsc.liu.se, +46 13 28 4444

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