[Matter-users] Timeline for the Gamma setup and the Kappa/Matter decommissioning

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Tue Apr 28 13:40:31 CEST 2015

Dear Kappa and Matter user,

As previously communicated, the Kappa and Matter clusters are being
decommissioned in the very near future, likely by the end of May or early
June. A hard deadline will be set only when the replacement cluster Gamma
is in full production. The aim is for this to happen by week 21.

To get access to Gamma, you will first need to request for membership in
the Kappa and Matter continuation projects we have set up for Gamma. This
is done in SUPR by applying for membership in the project. Once your
membership is approved by your PI and Gamma is operational, you may apply
for an account on Gamma. 

The project names will be sent to your Kappa/Matter project PI and
forwarded to you at their discretion. If you feel you should get access to
Gamma but don't receive such a forwarded mail, please bring this up with
your project's PI.

Gamma will in almost every aspect be indistinguishable from Triolith from
your perspective (same /software, /home and /proj) and any software you
have working on Triolith should be working on Gamma. If you depend on
software on Kappa/Matter which is not available or do not run on Triolith,
this is a good time to test it or start porting it. We will help out here as
much as possible if you run into trouble. Contact support in such case.

Submitting jobs on Kappa and Matter will be possible until one week before
the official end-of-life once that is final, and you will be notified then.
All jobs that have started to that point will run until finished.  Please
keep submitting jobs on these resources until the very end.

Best Regards,
Johan Raber -- Gamma project manager 

Johan Raber, PhD
Application Expert, Computational Chemistry
National Supercomputer Center, Linköping University

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