[monolith-users] System maintenance stop Tuesday-Wednesday

Lennart Karlsson 0706-49 55 35 Lennart.Karlsson at nsc.liu.se
Wed Jul 16 11:50:28 CEST 2003

Dear Monolith users,

>From yesterday morning at 11:00 we have stopped Monolith for
system maintenance.

We had planned for a 24 hour stop, but we will now prolong the stop
until late afternoon. This is because we now have Scali network technicians
busy searching for solutions to our remaining problems with the Scali
network of Monolith.

The new plan is to be back in full service at four p.m.

Best regards,
  Lennart Karlsson <support at nsc.liu.se>
  National Supercomputer Centre, Linkoping University

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