[monolith-users] Disk problems on Monolith

Lennart Karlsson Lennart.Karlsson at nsc.liu.se
Wed Dec 7 09:20:49 CET 2005

Dear Monolith users,

NSC had a disk problem on Monolith since early this morning on
the /disk/global and /disk/global4 disk systems. Please note that
our login-2 users should be able to keep working as usual and need
not to read any further.

Now the disks are rebuilding themselves, probably for several hours
of today, and they have so little bandwidth left that they are practically
useless for you until the rebuild is finished.

I am sorry to say that your current jobs have a high probability of
exceeding their wallclock limits, because of this. We apologize for
the inconvenience.

We will inform you when we are back in business.

As always, please mail your questions and comments to
<support at nsc.liu.se>.

Best regards,
-- Lennart Karlsson <support at nsc.liu.se>
   National Supercomputer Centre, Linkoping University

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