[Neolith-users] The end is near

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Tue Sep 11 16:28:31 CEST 2012

Dear Neolith users,

Executive summary: On Monday September 17th, Neolith will be reduced
in size by 40%. On October 1st, it will become even smaller.

NSC is in the process of installing the second phase of our new system
Triolith, which will replace Neolith.

In order to connect the second phase of Triolith to the electrical
equipment in our computer room, we need to stop using and physically
disconnect 40% of the Neolith compute nodes. This will happen on
Monday morning. Neolith will then be reduced in size from 805 nodes to
468 nodes (all the "fat" nodes will be kept online).

When testing of the second phase of Triolith begins on October 1st, we
will need to power off even more Neolith nodes in order to supply
enough power and cooling to Triolith. During the Triolith phase 2
acceptance test period (approximately 1 month) we need to run
different types of tests, so the power requirements will change over
time, so the number of Neolith nodes available will also change over
time. We will try to balance the needs of users on Neolith against the
wish to complete testing and have Triolith up and running as soon as

All SNAC Large projects on Neolith have already moved to Triolith
(their allocation on Neolith ends on Sunday).

All SNAC Medium projects on Neolith have been given allocations on
Triolith and are in the process of moving. If your Medium project has
not yet started to move or prepare for it, now is the time to do so.

The remaining SNAC Small projects on Neolith will move to Triolith
later this year. Members of such projects will be contacted by NSC.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact support at nsc.liu.se.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

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