[NSC-users] NSC tutorials October 22, 2003

Torgny Faxen faxen at nsc.liu.se
Thu Sep 25 10:44:47 CEST 2003

Dear NSC user,
at the upcoming Workshop on Linux Clusters for Super Computing in Linköping there will be a
set of tutorials given on October 22 in the afternoon. Tutorials of special interest for existing
or soon to be users of NSC's computers are:

-  Vampir tutorial by Mario Deilmann from Pallas in Germany.  Vampir is the preferred tool for
     analysing MPI -program and today available on both the Monolith and the SGI-3800.
-  An introduction to the usage of clusters at NSC.
-  Dalton quantum chemistry program tutorial.

We encourage You to take advantage of this and participate since these are unique opportunities.
In the case of Vampir we are fortunate to have a lecturer that comes from Pallas, the company
that develops Vampir. Usage of clusters is held by Peter Kjellström from NSC with extensive
experiences on how our clusters are build and used and finally Dalton is given by Patrick Norman,
co-author of the code.

Please note that the fee for attending the tutorials is only 200 SEK for NSC partners (SAAB, SMHI)
and academic users. It is perfectly OK to sign up for the tutorials only if you wish. If you know
of someone who you think would benefit from these courses, please help us by spreading the

More information and registration at http://www.nsc.liu.se/lcsc

Regards / NSC workshop team

   Torgny Faxén
   National Supercomputer Center
   Linköping University
   S-581 83 Linköping

   Email:faxen at nsc.liu.se
   Telephone: +46 13 285798 (office) +46 13 282535  (fax)

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