[NSC-users] Call for Participation - LCSC and NGN

Niclas Andersson nican at nsc.liu.se
Mon Oct 4 23:45:33 CEST 2004



          National Supercomputer Centre in Sweden (NSC) and
       Norwegian High Performance Computing Consortium (NOTUR)
                    welcome you to participate in

   5th Annual Workshop on Linux Clusters For Super Computing (LCSC)


             workshop on Nordic Grid Neighbourhood (NGN)

18-20 October, 2004
Hosted by National Supercomputer Centre
Linkoping University, SWEDEN                 http://www.nsc.liu.se/lcsc

The LCSC workshop are brimful of knowledgeable speakers giving
exciting talks about Linux clusters and distributed applications
requiring vast computational resources. Just a few samples:

- LCSC Keynote: Cluster Computing - You've come a long way 
  in a short time
  Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee

- Application Performance on High-End and Commodity-class Computers
  Martyn Guest, CLRC Daresbury Laboratory

- The BlueGene/L Supercomputer and LOFAR/LOIS
  Bruce Elmegreen, IBM Watson Research Center

- MPI Micro-benchmarks: Misleading and Dangerous
  Greg Lindahl, Pathscale Inc.

and many more.

In the NGN workshop we gather speakers from the Nordic countries,
Baltic states and northwest Russia to talk about Grids and efforts
made in the field of Grid technology. There will be presentations of
applications, Grid middleware and national initiatives as well as
industrial solutions. NGN is supported by the Nordplus Neighbour
program of the Research Council of Norway.

Additionally, during these days there will be valuable vendor
presentations, exciting exhibits, instructive tutorials, seminars and
several other meetings.

For more information and registration: http://www.nsc.liu.se/lcsc

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