[Snic-users] Change to the Triolith, Matter and Kappa /home file system

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Wed Sep 25 14:23:07 CEST 2013

Dear Triolith, Matter and Kappa users,

Today NSC will reconfigure the /home file system for better
performance and redundancy.

You might notice this change in two different ways:

1: For greater redundancy, files on /home will be replicated on disk,
and will use twice as much disk space as before. Commands like "df"
and "du" will show this. Commands that reports the file size (e.g "ls
-l") will still report the actual file size. To compensate for this,
all disk quotas for /home will be doubled.

2: Performance on /home will be reduced while we move the data to new
disks. We estimate that this will take between a few hours and two
days. During this time, the output from "df", "du", "nscquota" may be

We will send out an email when all changes are done.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

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