[Snic-users] NSC Summer information

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Mon Jun 30 14:54:30 CEST 2014

Dear NSC users,

Some information regarding operations at NSC during the summer, and an
upcoming storage change:

1: Storage changes

In the second half of 2014, NSC will replace our current Centre
Storage system. The new system will replace both the current Centre
Storage system (/home, /nobackup on Triolith/Kappa/Matter) and the
Vagn storage system (/home, /nobackup/vagn[1-2] on Vagn). In addition
to providing more and faster disk, we will also change how storage is
managed (project storage rather than personal storage).

You can read more about this change at
https://www.nsc.liu.se/storage/snic-centrestorage/ under the
"Information on how to use the new storage system" heading.

Important note: no changes that require you to change anything (job
scripts, move data etc) will happen before September 1st!

2: Service stop for Kappa and Matter August 26th

Due to maintenance work in an electrical sub central, some systems
(including Kappa and Matter) will have to be shut down for a few hours
on August 26th. No running jobs will be affected. Queued jobs will
remain in the queue until the maintenance is completed. Triolith will
not be affected. More information about this will be sent out later.

3: Support and service

NSC aims to keep all systems running and handle support, new accounts
etc normally during the summer. But please be aware that most of our
staff is on vacation during parts of July and August, so our response
time might be longer than usual.

4: Job queues

>From experience, we know that the demand for computing power is
usually lower during the summer months, and that especially projects
with low scheduling priority might find it much easier than usual to
get their jobs started during the summer.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact
support at nsc.liu.se.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

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