[Snic-users] Triolith, Gamma: Centre Storage problem affecting logins and jobs

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Tue Jun 14 17:57:22 CEST 2016

Update: Triolith and Gamma are now available.

As far as we can tell, only the /home file system was affected by
today's problem. Most or all jobs that were primarily using /proj for
storage seems to have survived, and will probably complete normally.

If your jobs on Triolith or Gamma failed after 10:53 today (and before
17:45), you can assume they failed due to this problem, and resubmit

As far as we can tell, no data on disk was damaged or lost.

The cause seems to have been a rare software bug. We're working with
the storage system vendor to address this.

NSC apologizes for the inconvenience. this caused you.

FYI: we took the opportunity to apply some operating system updates
(the login nodes are now running CentOS 6.8) while the system was down
to prevent having to schedule downtime for this later.

As always, if you have any problems using our systems, new or old,
please email support at nsc.liu.se.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

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