[Snic-users] Tetralith and Sigma available!

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Thu Aug 23 11:37:53 CEST 2018

Dear NSC users,

We have now opened our new clusters Tetralith and Sigma!

If you are a member of a project that has been allocated time on
Tetralith or Sigma(*) you can now request a login account. To do this,
login to SUPR (https://supr.snic.se/account/) and request an account
there on Tetralith or Sigma. NSC will then approve the request within
one working day. Once this is done, you will get an email telling you
how to set a password for your new account via NSC Express. When that
is done, your account will be created within ten minutes and you will
be ready to login.

Suggested reading while you wait for your account to be created:



(note: Sigma has the same installed software as Tetralith)

As always, if you need help, find something that isn't working as
expected, or need additional software installed, contact NSC Support

You are also welcome to visit us at NSC on Tuesdays and Thursdays
after 13.00 (or by appointment), for hands-on help.

Tetralith will initially have 660 compute nodes, and will grow to 1892
nodes later this year (probably in December).

Sigma will have 108 compute nodes.

We are currently planning to permanently shut down Triolith and Gamma
on September 21st, 2018.

(*) Most existing Triolith and Gamma projects have been given an
allocation on Tetralith or Sigma, so if you receive this email it is
very likely that you can now get an account on Tetralith or Sigma.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>
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