[Snic-users] Tetralith and Sigma unavailable May 15th

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Tue May 7 10:51:04 CEST 2019

A reminder: Tetralith and Sigma (including access to user data on Centre
Storage, i.e /home and /proj) will be unavailable from May 15th, 08:00

Tetralith and Sigma will remain offline until Wednesday evening or
possibly Thursday(*).

Please make sure that you copy any files you might need during Wednesday
and Thursday. Once the electrical work starts, it will not be possible
to restart the storage system to access files.

Compute jobs that cannot finish before Wednesday at 08:00 will not be
started until after the downtime. Login node SSH and Thinlinc logins
will be terminated at 08:00.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

(*) The uncertainty is due to the fact that we would like to do some
changes to the storage system while the system is down, but we are still
waiting for delivery of some needed parts. If we can get the delivery in
time, we will extend the downtime, possibly until Thursday. If not,
Tetralith and Sigma will likely be back up Wednesday evening, but we
will then have to schedule another service window later to do the
storage changes.

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