[Snic-users] Tetralith and Sigma unavailable November 28th

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Wed Nov 20 13:16:32 CET 2019

A reminder

Tetralith and Sigma will be unavailable on November 28th from 08:00 CET.

The downtime will be at least four hours but more probably 8-16 hours.

Queued jobs that cannot be completed before 08:00 will not be
started. All logged-in users will be logged out at 08:00. Queued jobs
will remain in the queue and be started normally when the clusters are
back online. During the downtime you will not be able to access your
data on /home and /proj.

If you want your jobs to start before Thursday, please keep in mind that
jobs are only started if they ask for a Timelimit (e.g "sbatch -t
DD-HH:MM:SS") that is less than the time available until Thursday
08:00. This will start to become noticeable tomorrow morning (when
there's less than seven days until the start of the downtime).

A new feature

It is now possible to reserve compute nodes for a specific date and
time. This experimental feature is part of the "nsc-boost-tools" system,
and you can find out more about how to use it on

Two old features

Only 10% of Tetralith and Sigma users have so far used
nsc-boost-priority or nsc-boost-timelimit. If you need a certain job to
start faster, or to extend the Timelimit of a running job, please try
these tools.

An offer

If you have benchmark or scaling tests that you have been planning to
run on Tetralith or Sigma, just before or after the downtime is a very
good time to run them (to minimize the impact to other users). Please
contact support at nsc.liu.se if you want to run any such jobs and we'll
try to make it easier for you (e.g by reserving nodes for your test in
connection with the downtime).

Mats Kronberg
National Supercomputer Centre (NSC)

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