[Triolith-users] Triolith news

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Sat Feb 23 08:52:10 CET 2013

Dear Triolith users,

Two pieces of news:

1: NSC has decided to raise the maximum wall time limit for jobs on
Triolith from 3 days to 7 days (168h).

As you might remember, the limit was originally set to 7 days (as on
Neolith and Kappa) and then lowered to 3 days to provide more
predictable queue times during a period of very heavy demand from
users (before all compute nodes were operational). This is no longer
the case, and while there are some some advantages to not allowing
long jobs, we in the end decided to change the limit back to 7 days.

2: A test installation of the remote desktop software ThinLinc is now
available on Triolith.

Using ThinLInc can significantly improve the user experience when
running certain graphical user interfaces on Triolith that uses OpenGL
(e.g VMD, VESTA), but also improves the experience of using many
"normal" GUIs such as Matlab, debuggers, editors, ...

Read more in the ThinLinc Pilot Test User Guide:

Everyone is welcome to try this out, and we appreciate any feedback
you might give (please send comments, problems etc to
support at nsc.liu.se). The test ends on April 28th (when our evaluation
license expires). At that time we will decide if we will purchase and
install a system of this type in Triolith permanently.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

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