[Vagn-users] Vagn service stop 2014-08-26 09:00-13:00

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Tue Aug 26 13:14:55 CEST 2014

Dear Vagn users,

Vagn is now available again.

FYI: Due to a mislabelled switch in the electrical substation that was
being serviced, all power to the computer room was accidentally lost, not
just parts of it as we had expected.

This affected most other NSC systems (e.g Triolith). As Vagn was already
shut down it was not directly affected, but as we suddenly had a lot more
work to do the Vagn downtime became slightly longer than announced.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>
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