[Vagnekman-users] File system problem on Vagn

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Thu Apr 7 09:40:54 CEST 2011

Dear Vagn Users,

After the restart of Vagn yesterday two disks on /nobackup/vagn2 were
set as unavailable by GPFS in the evening. This has resulted in some I/O
errors when you try to access files extending into these disks.

The disks have been suspended in GPFS so no new data is being written to
them. Until we get the two unavailable disks back online for GPFS to
use, some files will remain unavailable for reading, resulting in I/O
errors reported.

There may need to be reboots on Vagn before this is sorted out.

Best Regards
Johan Raber

Johan Raber
E-science coordinator
National Supercomputer Center, Linköping University

tel. +46 (0) 13 282619
mob. +46 (0)73-6569371

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