[Vagnekman-users] Access to the "fat" node on Vagn

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Mon Jan 31 15:04:12 CET 2011

Dear Vagn Users,

A slight modification in the queuing system has been introduced on Vagn 
in that the large memory, or "fat", node a6 will now be populated with 
jobs lastly unless the fat node is specifically requested, i.e. with the 
"-C fat" switch. Please consult the vagn user guide or "man sbatch" for 
more details.

Users not requesting the "fat" feature will still be allocated to the 
fat node if all other nodes are occupied, however.

Best regards,
Johan --NSC support

Johan Raber
E-science coordinator
National Supercomputer Center, Linköping University

tel. +46 (0) 13 282619
mob. +46 (0)73-6569371

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