[Vagnekman-users] Ekman back in operation

Michael Schliephake michs at kth.se
Fri Oct 7 17:07:18 CEST 2011

Dear Users!

The cluster is back in operation again.

We updated the Lustre file servers and prepared the activation of quotas 
on Lustre. The activation of quotas will be done next week to avoid any 
potentially unattended problems during the weekend. You will get also a 
separate e-mail and information on our web page how to check the 
filesystem usage

The operation system upgrade to CentOS 5.7 is not yet done. We will 
roll out this during the next week too. This will happen without an 
interruption of the operation, only the login nodes will be unavailable 
for a short time.

Best regards,
Michael schliephake

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