[Vagnekman-users] Short network outages today 13-15 CEST

Kent Engström kent at nsc.liu.se
Wed Jul 4 10:54:00 CEST 2012

Dear users of SMHI resources and Vagn at NSC,

today between 13 and 15 CEST we will be moving a router and two switches
in our computer room Hangaren, to make room for the next phase of
our new Triolith cluster.

During this period, while we move cables etc, there will be one or
several shorter outages in the connectivity to the SMHI resources at
NSC. This also includes Vagn.

All systems will be affected with the exception of Byvind (which is
located at SMHI in Norrköping) and Krypton (which is located in the
other computer room at NSC).

Kent Engström, National Supercomputer Centre
kent at nsc.liu.se, +46 13 28 4444

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