[Dunder-users] Software upgrade

Peter Kjellstrom cap at nsc.liu.se
Mon Jul 9 10:57:43 CEST 2007

Dear users,

Short summary for the impatient, new software being installed on nodes, look 
out for errors, send feed-back.

We will today begin to upgrade the nodes on dunder to a new software version. 
Since the upgrade will be done node by node there will be no system stop 
(only a varying number of available nodes). The upgrade will affect most 
major components, including:

* ScaMPI
* Infiniband software stack
* Lustre filesystem
* Core operating system components (security updates)

If you notice anything strange or if you encounter any bugs, please contact:
 smhi-support at nsc.liu.se

/Dunder admin

  Peter Kjellström               | E-mail: cap at nsc.liu.se
  National Supercomputer Centre  |
  Sweden                         | http://www.nsc.liu.se
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