[Dunder-users] Only the login-node left to upgrade

Peter Kjellstrom cap at nsc.liu.se
Mon Jul 16 00:45:13 CEST 2007

Short version for the impatient, the compute nodes are now upgraded and the 
login-node will be upgraded and rebooted monday after 17.00.

We have now completed the upgrade of the compute nodes. The upgrade seems to 
have gone ok (since I have zero reported issues). The only things that didn't 
go perfectly was: 

 1) A few jobs initially failed to start on the new nodes requiring users to 
 2) Some jobs get the following warning on startup: "Warning: 
Process-to-Processor binding indeterminable...", this can safely be ignored.
 3) Parts of the upgrade process took longer than anticipated leaving dunder 
with only a few nodes available to users for a few hours.

The last step in the upgrade process is to upgrade the login-node. This is 
planned for monday after five. The upgrade will require a reboot so all users 
will be logged off (if still logged in) at that time. The upgrade is expected 
to take less than an hour.

Given the magnitude of this entire upgrade we expect you to find that some 
things have stopped working or started to behave differently. If you run into 
anything we very much appreciate if you take the time to report it to support 
(smhi-support at nsc.liu.se).

 Peter K

  Peter Kjellström               | E-mail: cap at nsc.liu.se
  National Supercomputer Centre  |
  Sweden                         | http://www.nsc.liu.se
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