[Gimle-users] Gimle operational again.

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Fri Nov 21 12:14:39 CET 2008

Dear users,

After a reboot of gimle (the loginnode) and subsequent error search,
everything now seems to be OK, and you are free to login and submit jobs

The final cause of gimles temporary failure to mount a few remote filesystems has not yet been determined, but
it coincides with an incident yesterday where a user process gobbled up all
the memory of the machine. The process was consequently killed in due
order, but the problems with mounting these remote filesystems started
immediately thereafter. At the moment we believe this to be the likely

Best regards

Johan Raber

Johan Raber, PhD
Systems expert -- distributed computing
National Supercomputer Center, Linköping University

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