[Krypton-users] IDL 8.1 on Gimle and Krypton

Kent Engström kent at nsc.liu.se
Wed Sep 26 13:08:59 CEST 2012

Dear Gimle and Krypton Users,

after a user request, we have installed IDL 8.1 on Gimle and Krypton.
Just like the old 7.0 version on Gimle, it uses licenses from SMHI.

On Gimle, do "module load idl/8.1" to get the new version. From
now on, 8.1 is also the default version you get when you simply do
"module load idl". To use the old version, do "module load idl/70".

On Krypton, do "module load idl/8.1" to get the new version. There are
no default versions on Krypton.

Hint for bash users on Krypton (you're one if you haven't changed
shell): the bash tab completion understands module names, so you can
type things like "module add id" and then press tab to show the

Kent Engström, National Supercomputer Centre
kent at nsc.liu.se, +46 13 28 4444

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