[Snic-users] Planned stop Triolith, Kappa and Matter 2014-12-10 from 10:30

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Wed Dec 3 10:36:43 CET 2014

Dear NSC users,

On December 10th, Triolith, Kappa and Matter will be unavailable from 10:30.

Start of downtime: 2014-12-10 10:30 CET
Estimated duration of downtime: 8-24 hours

During this stop NSC will move all data from /home and /software to
the new storage system. Most of the data has already been moved in the
background, but the final sync must be done with no users logged in or
jobs running.

This is the final planned stop for Triolith, Kappa and Matter caused
by the switch to a new storage system.

All login nodes (including ThinLinc) and compute nodes will be
unavailable during this time, and will be restarted during the stop.

Please note that this means that any running cp, mv, rsync, ...
processes you might be using to transfer data to /proj will also be
stopped, and you will have to restart them manually. We recommend
using rsync for file transfers.

Running and queued jobs will not be affected.

Queued jobs that have requested enough time that they cannot finish
before the downtime will not be started. E.g 7 day jobs cannot start
if there are less than 7 days remaining before the stop.

If you need to run jobs in the week before the downtime, you might
need to shorten your jobs.

Jobs that are in the queue before the downtime will remain in the
queue, and will be started normally after the downtime.

Hint to low-priority projects: short jobs will find it easier
thanusual to run in the days immediately before downtime, as they
don't have to compete with longer jobs.

Vagn and other NSC systems are not affected.

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

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