[Snic-users] Triolith and Gamma downtime 2017-03-09

Pär Lindfors paran at nsc.liu.se
Thu Mar 2 11:55:02 CET 2017

Dear NSC users,

On Thursday March 9th, Triolith and Gamma will be unavailable from 08:00.

Downtime start: 2017-03-09 08:00 CET
Downtime end: 2017-03-09 17:00 CET

No access to the cluster will be possible during the downtime. Jobs that
cannot finish before the downtime will not be started until after the
downtime is over.

The reason for the downtime is that we need to perform maintenance on
the /home file system that cannot be done with the file system in use.

We will also apply routine software updates, and do some test of the
clusters InfiniBand fabric.

The required time for the work is unfortunately unclear. We have
reserved the entire work day (8-17) but the actual downtime might be

Kind regards,
Pär Lindfors, NSC

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