[Snic-users] Triolith/Gamma downtime and latest Tetralith/Sigma news

Mats Kronberg kronberg at nsc.liu.se
Thu Jul 12 12:05:57 CEST 2018

Dear Triolith and Gamma users,

First, the bad news: Triolith and Gamma will be unavailable for 3-7
days starting August 6th 08:00 CEST. During this time we will convert the
existing storage system (for /home, /proj and /software) to use the new
fast network (Intel Omni-Path) that Tetralith and Sigma uses.

We will also tune the storage system for best performance, and connect
Triolith and Gamma using a slightly slower Ethernet connection than
the Infiniband connection they use today.

Then, the good news: the installation of our new clusters Tetralith
and Sigma (that will replace Triolith and Gamma) is more or less on
schedule. Initial testing by the hardware vendor has been completed,
and NSC has started our own installation and testing. So far,
everything looks good.

We currently plan to start normal operations on Tetralith and Sigma
around August 15th. After this date, Triolith and Gamma will remain
available for a few (2-4) weeks and then be retired.

As you probably realize, this is two weeks later than earlier announced.
The delay is caused by a slight delay in the hardware delivery and by
the need for the work on the storage system in the week starting August 6th.

There is now a Migration Guide available for each system. Please note
that you will need to do some work (e.g recompiling some software,
edit job scripts etc) when you move to the new systems.
More information will be added there as it becomes available

https://www.nsc.liu.se/support/systems/tetralith-migration/ and

Mats Kronberg, NSC Support <support at nsc.liu.se>

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