[Vagnekman-users] Status update on Vagn

Johan Raber raber at nsc.liu.se
Tue Dec 1 09:28:37 CET 2009

Dear Vagn users,

First a summary of Vagn's status: IBM has come up with a rescue plan for
the file system /nobackup/vagn1, a plan which doesn't preclude an attempt
to reading out the data prior to their plan. In fact this approach got
their blessing and this is now our intention to do in the coming days. As
we have now received input about important and less important files on
/nobackup/vagn1 from the concerned users, later this afternoon we will
begin to read out data to external storage.

The first round will contain data designated most important (by the
concerned users), then data not marked as unimportant and lastly the rest.
In these steps we will avoid touching files extending into damaged areas of
the disks. The time schedule for these steps is approximately a few days for
the first round and about as much for the rest. This is a best case
scenario, however.

Our plan is to begin work in parallel to allow access to vagns home
directory. This will be done in a slightly unorthodox way (via samba) where
the home directory will be remote mounted from node a3. If all goes well,
access can be allowed later today or tomorrow to vagn. Again this is a best
case scenario.

Best regards,
NSC support

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