[Vagnekman-users] Python 2.7.2 with some extra modules

Kent Engström kent at nsc.liu.se
Fri Mar 30 15:26:57 CEST 2012

Dear Gimle and Vagn users,

some of you have been requesting new and updated Python modules, on
top of a newer Python. Last week, we installed Python 2.7.2 and
installed the following modules on top of that:

   numpy 1.6.1
   scipy 0.10.1
   ipython 0.12
   matplotlib 1.1.0
   Basemap 1.0.2
   numexpr 1.4.2
   Cython 0.15.1
   pytables 2.3.1
   setuptools 0.6c11
   scikits.timeseries 0.91.3
   netCDF4 0.9.9
   PyNIO 1.4.1
   PyNGL 1.4.0
   PyX 0.11.1
   pygrib 1.9.2

This is available on Gimle and Vagn when you do

  module add pyenv/2.7.2-smhi1

and then run the "python" binary located in
that is prepended to your PATH by that module.

We have used the system compilers (gcc et al) to compile this (well,
PyNIO and PyNGL have been installed from donwnloaded prebuilt files).

In the future, we might install more modules into this "2.7.2-smhi1"
environment. If we need to upgrade a vital module to a version we
suspect might not be 100% backwards compatible, we will most likely
create a new "2.7.2-smhi2" with upgraded versions (and tell you that).

We hope that this will be useful to you,
/ Kent and Per, NSC

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