[Bi-users] Welcome to Bi

Kent Engström kent at nsc.liu.se
Mon Mar 2 15:25:51 CET 2015

Dear New Bi User,

when you get this email, you should also haved received a separate
email with your username and a temporary password. Please login at
once and set a new, good, unique password for Bi. If you do not do
that within seven days, the temporary password will time out.

*** NEWSFLASH *** We just discovered that you may have the wrong default
  account set so that you request fat nodes by default instead of normal
  nodes.  If that is the case for you, use "-A" to sbatch/interactive to
  request your normal account (e.g. "-A rossby", "-A sm_fouo", "-A sm_a"
  etc) until we have fixed this.

Now, back to the regular programme...

Please take some time to look at the documentation linked from


especially the page about migrating from Krypton to Bi


and the page about Bi scheduling


On those pages, you will learn about news like:

- hyper-threading being available (but not default)
- optimization for Haswell
- 64 GiB on thin nodes, 256 GiB on fat nodes
- Intel Truescale Infiniband
- how to login to a node that has a running job
- how to run on fat nodes
- how to run risk jobs
- how to run a job on less than a whole node

and more.

When you find things that are broken or missing, please send an email
to smhi-support at nsc.liu.se (preferably one email per topic). Do not
answer to my personal email address.

Best Regards
/ Kent Engström, NSC

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